Making Things Happen

Who has heard of Making Things Happen?  It is amazing.  I can honestly say it has changed my life!...That is so cliche, I know, but that is the only way to say it! 
Making Things Happen has improved my life in a way that has given me clarity, drive, and contentment.
Would you like to feel those things?...of course you do!!
Here's the lowdown.
Making Things Happen is presented by Lara Casey and a few others in the line-up.  Lara Casey is the editor-in-chief of Southern Weddings.  She is also a life-coach, business-coach, creator of Making Things Happen, and Making Brands Happen.  She and her team are aaaaamazing!
Specifically, Making Things Happen is a tumblr blog where she gives free advice and constant motivation.  She blogs.  She just writes about how to improve your life.  She just gives.
I'm not even kidding it is amazing and if you truly internalize her words and put action to the stimulus, you will improve your life, your mind, your business, and everything about you!

I was able to go to one of her workshops when I was down at the WPPI convention about Branding.  I took away a million and five things that I am currently putting in to the works of my new Branding.  (look for that coming soon:)) 
There was also another workshop that weekend that I wasn't able to attend, but a lovely fellow photographer that attended the first workshop that I was at, blogged about it and the basics they touched upon.  I am so grateful to Erin Davenport for sharing so that I could read some basic guidelines and answer questions for myself.  Everyone should try following these questions and action steps to Make Things Happen in your life!!
Try this little challenge and answer these questions on a seperate paper..
Here is mine(most of my answers are included, some are not):

What are your greatest fears?
Dating Relationships
People comparison
Photography inadequcy
Not doing the things I love

Evaluate relationships with the 5 people you are closest to:

List of ideal mentors and a plan to get them in to your life:

List your top 10 distractions:
Social Media

Clear the clutter, download everything that is clouding your mind.
(This is one of the basic things that Making Things Happen suggests.  "Download", meaning write down all those things that are running through your mind that won't let you go to sleep at night.  It doesn't matter what it is, if it's clouding your mind, Write it down.)

           Chose 3 items from the list, Write 3 actions step to get ball rolling.
REMEMBER: it's soooo important to have a happy environment that inspires you.  Revamp your workspace to stimulate your mind.

What does your ideal day look like?
 I have gone to bed at a decent time the night before (10:30-11).  I wake up at 7am, rested.  I go for a 5-6 mile run in a pretty area, with diffused light and sunshine tanning my body as I get a workout too!  I come home and do abs.  I turn on my favorite music that makes me feel good and excited for the day.  I shower.  Get a healthy breakfast as I let my hair air-dry.  I am ready to go for the day by 10am.  Already having my run, breakfast, and to-do list in front of my eyes. 
I have 1 shoot today.  An engagement session with a beautifully styled theme.  I go into my office, that is fully decorated in inspiried themes and images.  I have my list that fires me up on the wall, a vision board of couple poses, quotes, pics, colors, swatches, etc ,etc.  I hook up to my Imac and update my blog with the lastest session or a motivational post and visual (inspired by MTH).  I respond to all emails.  I update my calendar and to do list.  I download, download, download.  I write action steps for everything that I need to get done today before my shoot.   
I work from 10-6.  Unless I have a shoot later, then it goes til the end of the shoot.  At 6 or6:30 I am off work.  I am off facebook.  I am off answering emails.  I am off twitter.  I am off thinking about everything I need to do for my business.  I don’t lose my vision or ideas, but I am not a working, I am balancing my life.  I am going to have a healthy working business where I schedule hrs and set guidelines for myself to run more mainstream. 
It’s 6pm, I’ve done my shoot and I prepare for my 2nd workout of the day at Turbo and then Lift after.
I come home and fix a healthy meal with one my best friends.  We catch up on our obsessions with Gossip Girl or Prison Break and talk about our days and chill.  I see my friends, I laugh, I am happy, I am content, I am successful.
            Take the time to set yourself up for success the night before, by preparing for the next day you give yourself no choice but to walk into your ideal day!

            “How you start the day, determines the day.” –Simon Bailey 
This isn’t supposed to happen overnight, it’s a journey.  Progress not perfection.  No mistakes, only lessons.

Define the importance of boundaries and hrs within your life:
Workday: 10-6pm
Emails w/in those hrs. Editing w/in those hrs. Facebook&Twitter w/in those hrs. Blog w/in those hrs.

Write a list of the things that FIRE YOU UP!
Here is mine:

            Have the list visible, use it to inspire you when you lose motivation

My life is “too short not to…” statements (act on that fear)
Think less and love more
Laugh every single day as much as possible
Be lighthearted, giving, and hopeful
Have a successful business
Be truly happy and content
Date and enjoy new relationships
Fall in love
Dedicate my life to living the gospel
Read and learn and grow
Be free to give compliments and tell other people the great things about them
Be grateful for blessings and love
Clear the clutter and eliminate distractions
Eliminate any negativity or negative stimulus in my life
Serve others
Delight in the simple things
Enjoy my family and our relationships together
Design my home and workspaces with things that fire me up and inspired me
Be inspired
Travel to beautiful and interesting places
Truly get to know people and eliminate quick judgements
Enjoy and culminate success
Nuture an optimistc attitude
Think only positive thoughts
Exercise consistently
Have the body I want
Eat healthy and eat delicisouly
Recognize gifts and blessings form others and the Lord
Have clarity and focus
Be driven and passionate
            My life is too short to not be all in.  To not be inspired daily.  To not experience luxury.  To not be the best version of me.  To not be a better Christian.  To not feel the fear and do it anyway.  To NOT MOVE FORWARD despite imperfection. To not give to others.  To not own that I have a new life story.
“I am..” statements (either as present or what you strive and want to come to fruition)
Improving and changing for the better
Loving everyone
Making good choices
Growing, through letting go of fears
Balancing my life and setting guidelines
Laughing with people I love, by myself, at life, and to acknowledge happiness
Going to travel to the places I desire
Going to be a good influence and example to others
Going to be inspiring to people
Living down-to-earth
Practicing humility in all that I do

The idea is that if you visualize where you want to be and all the steps it took to get there it will be that much easier to walk that path or one like it and reach your goals.  We got comfortable.  The lights were turned down low.  We were asked to imagine our lives in 5-10 years having accomplished everything we wanted to.  What did that look like?  Smell like?  Feel like?  Here is what I saw:
I am full-time with Chantel Marie Photograpy.  I have small studio in a beautiful, simple area with a location to meet with clients and enjoy an inspirational atmosphere to dedicate my time to my art.  I am married to the perfect person for me.  We laugh, we play, we compromise, we speak only positively about each other, we communicate, we enjoy, we travel, we succeed, we count our blessings, we are dedicated to the gospel, we love others, we love each other, we feel our blessings, we love our family, and we do it all together.
I live in Utah.  I scent of 'Light Blue' fills the room in the morning as I timely go off to work.  I light candles and decorate with pretty things.  I am stable in my financial state. I am comfortable, but not showy.  I have what I need, and some things I want.  I save money and have a back-up fund.  I give to others through time and service.  I teach others my art. I am in a good place.
I go running by myself and with friends.  I participate in my church and community and always have my lovely family to return home to.  I change and grow, in the most positive of ways.  I am confident in who I am. I am in physical shape that I am happy about.  I feel beautiful.  I encourage others to feel beautiful.  I go on summer trips with the ones I love and take pictures : )
I keep in touch with old friends and send letters and love to those important people in my life.
I live my passion, doing shoots and weddings.  I am supported.  I make focused decisions with a clarity that has come through hard-work, dedication, and happiness.

 Read the MTH blog here

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