think about this...

You ever take a picture of yourself
And see a stranger in the background?
It makes you wonder how many
Strangers have pictures of you.
How many moments of other people's lives
Have we been in. Were we a part of
Someone's life when their dream came true,
or were we there when their dream died.
Did we keep trying to get in?
As if we were destined to be there
Or did the shot take us by surprise?
Just think, you could be a big part
Of someone else's life; & not even know it.
- One Tree Hill

I kinda like this statement, and it kind of fits perfect w/ a picture of one of my best friends and the fact that we love One Tree Hill together...yes, we still watch One Tree Hill.  Yes, it's up to like 7 seasons, but its great..B Davis, P Sawyer, Red Bedroom Records, who doesn't want to look forward to that every Tuesday night?!
Anywho, you never know the effect you have on people, even if they are your very best know you mean alot to each other, but I don't think anyone can ever know exactly WHY you mean that much to them.  The biggest examples in our life and most important people are probably the hardest ones to describe in words why they have such an impact on you.  You know it, you know the reasons and experiences you want to keep them in your life...but it's just one of those things that is never justified by an explanation, it's too deeply rooted for that.
I'm so grateful for all the amazing people I have in my life.  The people that make me think, "Wow, I am so lucky to have spent time with you and be a part of your life, however big or small, I am so blessed to have moments around you."

Surround yourself with people who will build you up; People that make you the most successful part of you.  People that encourage and optimize with you.  Don't let anything in your life contradict what you wish for.


Anonymous said...

Its the 8th season lol, and yes i still watch too and you make me sad thinking about how i use to watch it once a week with my best friends and now watch it alone! Also your pretty lucky to have a friend that looks like B davis lol love ya andmiss u tons this post made my day!

Brandon said...

Channy, One time at six flags me and Rob purposefully got in as many photos as we could. We actually made it into several of this little oriental families pictures, all in different parts of the park... SO funny.

Chantel said...

cherish!! i know whenever i watch it i always think of you too!! b davis..

ok, so i havent seen you forever! whens the little one due?!

Anonymous said...

July so dont worry ill be nice and huge for the 5 year reunion lol